The purpose of the association
is to gratuitously represent the
interests of cross-border
entrepreneurs and companies,
as well as of their employer in
International businesses are subject to special legal, tax
and economic conditions and their knowledge base holds
an unprecedented importance to prerequisites for
economic success in the host country.
The same goes for the customers, authorities and the
courts of law from participating countries, of whom may
face the challenge to complex international issues,
especially in relation to employment and social security in
the event of sending employees abroad on a work
contract or temporary employment contract.
For that reason, IGTU has set a goal to raise awareness
for national and international businesses, that offer
international recruitment services, specifically those that
offer working contracts and temporary employment
contracts in Germany. Whilst we are doing so, we consult
the clients in administering the appropriate legal
practices in Germany.
These goals are translated into action by holding events
in a form of a seminar or lecture, conferences, business
conventions or specialist publications. This is
implemented by producing methods of working in
relation to legal matters and international business
The IGTU acts as a first and unified point of contact for
legal, tax, organizational and insurance issues and
connects those seeking advice to authorities and experts
for cross-border matters. Members are regularly infor-
med by Newsletters, seminars, and publications about
the latest legal, tax and economic developments as well
as providing the opportunity to protect business from
operational risks in the context of cross-border
The IGTU also has special ex-
pertise in all issues concerning
cross-border activities from
businesses in countries, which
are about to associate or are in
the association phase with the
European Union.
The individual departments of the IGTU are led by ex-
perts that have years of experiencing in consulting inter-
national businesses in sectors such as, legal matters, Tax,
recruitment services, management consulting, financial
advice and the entire insurance industry for several
In practical terms, the IGTU
offers a forum for domestic
and foreign businesses with
the opportunity to establish
new contacts.
Furthermore, the IGTU offers traditional associa-
tion work. As a recognized professional association,
IGTU directly pursues charitable purposes. In addi-
tion to that, we are self-effacing and free from politi-
cal, party-political and religious affiliations.
Association of cross-border
companies and their clients
in Germany eV
Insel 18
D-89231 Neu-Ulm
+49.731.921 435 25
+49.731.921 519 81
President / Michael Fröschl
Vice president / Sandor Szücs
General secretary / Alexander Milkereit
Michael Fröschl
Sandor Szücs
Vice president
Association of cross-border
companies and their clients
in Germany eV
Any individual of the public or people of the legal
profession can acquire an IGTU membership. The
monthly fee for a membership is € 50.00 for a juri-
stic person and commercially active individual, and
25.00 for the public. A board of directors will de-
cide on admission, once a written application has
been submitted.
Alexander Milkereit
General secretary